Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm just so confused

I don't know what I've done's just sad and I do not know what to do about it. No I can't tell, it's ...well it's hurting me like hell.

Maybe I get an explanation or maybe not, meanwhile I'll just hide somewhere, away from life, licking my wounds.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh aye...long time no write

Mmmm, ok so I've been away, having a bit of home-holiday and now, ok now I'm back to work again.

Wasn't as fun as I thought to come back...Boss said we're not to leave the site when the outage has started. Ok for sleep and stuff it's OK, but no business-trips, no education, no nothing. Well I do see the point but it's so darn depressing knowing that you're not free. 

Thursday, July 31, 2008

So tomorrow...

..We'll be off in the morning, at last. Car's packed, Kitty's apartment fixed, flowers got theirs so we should be about set. 

Hmm still not satisfied with my ISP. Very hard to load webpages, which annoys me a lot! We're paying for it for god's sake! It should just function....flawlessly...all the time! But nope it doesn't.

Very well that's it for today!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Why? it that I always have to be the computer-and-other-electronic-device-fixer???I'm sick and tired of it. There's different ppl's comps, there's broadband-TV and so on..Gah! And when I can't fix it I'm the one to blame.

Been writing a lot today. Got excellent feedback from BH on a part yet to come. It's fair because I use his great char quite shamelessly. 

Soon we're off to Germany, traditional camping-holiday. Looking so much forward to it even if I sometimes have my doubts....

Saturday, July 26, 2008


First day of vacation. Nothing special happened, been playing around with my washing machine as usual. Both daughters away, one in US, one in Stockholm. House is quiet, I wonder do they really make so much sounds those two young ladies? I don't know.

Should have an early bedtime tonight, have to regain sleep..


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Two days to go!

Then I'll have holiday. Now I am pretty satisfied with myself, during the last four weeks I've been rather efficient at work. Got a lot of stuff done, and that relieves the stress quite a bit.

I was hoping to be able to write tonight but somehow I'm stuck, just don't know how to proceed. I know where I'm going to but as usual I have no idea how to get there.

Daughter had a flight today to US. Plane broke down and they had to send for repairmen from Texas, US! Now isn't that like a joke? So now she's sitting at a hotel waiting to get her flight tomorrow.

Shit happens right?

Washing machine is still working, have to sit it out. It's ok...have a lot of writing that should be done.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Pretty OK after all

This monday turned out to be rather nice. Spending time with some Germans, finished what I had in mind to finish...

Barbecue with my son tonight, nice sitting outside enjoying the food. Even a glass of wine..oh yes.